
PT Tohoma Mandiri - Assembling Innovation

Inovasi Elektrikal, Mekanikal, dan Piping oleh PT Tohoma Mandiri di Proyek OKI Pulp dan Paper Mills

PT Tohoma Mandiri kembali menunjukkan komitmennya dalam mendukung industri nasional melalui keterlibatannya dalam Project OKI Pulp and Paper (OKI 2). Proyek ini merupakan bagian dari pengembangan fasilitas PT OKI Pulp & Paper Mills, yang tergabung dalam APP Sinar Mas, salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di industri bubur kertas (pulp) dan tisu di Indonesia.

PT Tohoma Mandiri bertanggung jawab atas beberapa scope pekerjaan diantaranya pemasangan sistem kelistrikan untuk mendukung operasional pabrik, instalasi peralatan mekanis untuk mendukung proses produksi, pemasangan sistem perpipaan untuk distribusi material dan utilitas dan pembangunan partisi untuk kebutuhan struktural dan fungsional di area pabrik.

Hujan lebat yang menjadi kendala utama, khususnya untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan di area terbuka (open area). Meski demikian, tim PT Tohoma Mandiri berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan proyek dengan hasil yang optimal.

BOP 8 Pipe Rack work by PT Tohoma Mandiri on the IKK Pindo 4 Karawang Project

The IKK (Indah Kiat Karawang) Pindo 4 Karawang project is one of the major steps in the development of the paper and pulp industry in Indonesia. This project aims to establish a new production facility that supports the needs of the industry on a large scale.

In this project, PT Tohoma Mandiri is responsible for the work of Electrical, Instrument, and Automation projects. Details of the work such as the installation of cable trays and cable ladders in the Pipe Rack area and other buildings. The obstacles during the project include weather changes. The project is targeted to be completed in 6 months with a focus on timeliness and technical specifications.

By implementing strict quality control in every stage of installation to ensure compliance with project specification standards. Our commitment to optimal results through the application of the latest technology and structured projects continues to be carried out with maximum effort at every stage of work.

EIA Installation and Service Project for TCCA & H202 by PT Tohoma Mandiri

PT Tohoma Mandiri was selected as Main Contractor for the EIA Installation and Service for TCCA & H2O2 Project in the PT Pindo Deli area, Karawang, West Java. The objectives of the project include ensuring that the installation and services of TCCA and H2O2 chemicals run efficiently and sustainably.

In this project PT Tohoma Mandiri is responsible for electrical, mechanical work, and also as a provider of caustic soda. This project is work that is included in the MEP category, where MEP is things that refer to the installation of existing systems in a building on a large or small scale.

With its expertise and experience, PT Tohoma Mandiri will manage all stages of the project, from planning to implementation, ensuring every aspect runs in accordance with the highest safety and quality standards. Our professional team will ensure that every system component works optimally, supporting efficient and sustainable operations.

PT Tohoma Mandiri which excels in Electrical Solutions

Electrical engineering applications involve various sciences such as electronics, communications, electrical power control, and computer engineering. This is an ever-evolving field with a huge impact on our lives and industry around the world.

PT Tohoma Mandiri’s electrical division can provide the best solutions in the field of electrical engineering. We are able to design and optimize electrical solutions, various applications that have been carried out by our electrical team, including the installation of electrical equipment and instruments as well as grounding systems in the Paper Factory industry.

Together with an experienced team, we are committed to continuing to be professional in every electrical project by ensuring optimal quality, reliability and safety.